About Mikkel Sølbeck

Land Surveyor Property Development & Design | Sustainability I’m driven, passionate and frontier of conceptualizing property development and formulating, consulting and implementing strategies within the field of property design and legislation of the property. In the project phase I aim to understand the property by identifying and qualifying potential opportunities by customizing solutions. I’m currently studying MSc in Land Management, Arealforvaltning og Planlægning at Aalborg University in Copenhagen to become a land surveyor. Through my studies I am pursuing to develop and specialize my skills in the property development field in a wider context and extending the perspective on legal, sustainable and economic aspects in correlation with the policy-making, planning, processing and implementation across disciplines, sectors and actors. As one of my keen interest I have built up deep passion for sustainable property development in a multiple wide perspective; economically, architecturally, environmentally and socially in close relation to legislation. I am pursuing new opportunities within the field of property development. I enjoy bringing creative thinking to the table; to conceptualize the possibilities and potentials of the property in the project development phase. I think my favorite stage of a project is working with the client or business leader when the ideas start to flow. I’m always interested in hearing from former colleagues, managers, or just interesting, creative people, so feel free to contact me if you’d like to connect. Beside my studies I play football, tennis, swim, walk in the nature and architectural viewing, which is really beneficial for my health and for my mind to creatively inspire me. Football is my primary sport where I developed through my will and passion to accelerate and learn new skills.

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